Ableton 12 Dark Mode - The dark theme for Ableton 12
Welcome to the dark side!
A dark theme for Ableton 12 with high contrast and popping accents.
Two Waveform-Colors
Included are TWO theme variations. One with white waveforms /MIDI notes in arrangement/audio editor (A12DarkmodeLW) and with dark ones (A12DarkmodeDW).
Ableton theme preferences used in screenshot:
Grid Line Intensity: 15%
Brightness : 200%
Color Intensity: 0%
Color Hue: 205°
Unzip the file and place the "A12Darkmode.ask " into following directory:
C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 12\Resources\Themes - place the *ask file there.
Mac OS:
CTRL-click/ right click your Ableton Live 12 app in your programs folder and choose "show package contens", navigate to "Contents/App-Resources/Themes" - place the *ask file there
Enjoy your new Ableton Live experience!
#Ableton12 #Ableton12theme #Ableton12DarkMode #AbletonDarkMode #AbletonDarkTheme